Tuesday, July 13, 2010

In the Beginning...

So for those who don't know the story: here it is from the Beginning!

After a presentation in my grade 7 class, I became interested in the Rotary Youth Exchange, and during my Grade 10 year, I finally put my thoughts into action and applied to become a part of the program. I was then thrown into the interview process and found out in my health class that I had been accepted! I had hoped to be sent to a Spanish speaking country (Spain!!), and quickly asked a family friend to help me learn. At this point I didn't know where I was going.

Living in the Town of the Blue Mountains came to benefit me in my Exchange Adventures. The Thornbury/Clarksburg Rotary Club hosts a ski day for all the Inbound Students (Students who are here from other countries). I was so nervous to meet everyone, but they all thought I was the new girl from Australia so they didn't hesitate to come up to meet me (which they would have done anyways but I didn't know how exchange students were at the time!). I got to enjoy 2 days of skiing with teenagers from all around the world, some who had never seen snow until they arrived in Canada, and some who had never skiied before. Over all it was tons of fun!
In March I was put into a van and shipped off to Fingal (a church camp in the middle of nowhere where I met a bunch of other Outbounds (students from Canada and the U.S. going to other countries) who became some of my best friends. On the way there we entertained ourselves by talking about dead pets and politics. We showed up to the conference and everyone thought we had met before! After we met the "crew" we learned about Culture Shock, Visa Applications, the 5 D's (Don't drink, Don't drive, Don't do drugs, Don't Date, Don't get tatoos or piercings) and Body Language. Everyone got to know eachother and couldn't wait to see eachother at the next conference in May.

Somewhere between the two conferences I recieved a phone call from my Rotary Youth Exchange Officer, Mr. Rick Offord, who informed me I was going to South Africa (my 4th choice). I immediately started crying, and calling everyone I knew. I'm still trying to get in touch with everyone and keep them updated on the latest news about my exchange (this is why I created this blog!)

We then all jumped in the van again with the Inbounds for the second Conference. To be honest it was way more fun than the first now that everyone knew eachother! And having the Inbounds there made it a little more interesting.

Then again between Conferences I recieved more information about my exchange. I will be going to District 9400 with a girl named Hannah from Indiana. I will be living in Randbug (near Johannesburg) and will be attending a private school called Northcliff High (I get to wear a uniform!!). In my first host family I will have a 16 year old sister Haley, and brothers Mathew and Chad who are 18 and 20 years old. My parents names are Tanya and Clarke and I will also be living with my grandparents as well as 2 dogs.

I just got back from the third, last and most epic Conference which also happens to be the biggest Rotary Youth Exchange Conference in the world. It is known as "Grand Rapids". We danced, cried, screamed, sang, played soccer, took pictures, traded pins and tried to sleep (9/72 hours were spent sleeping, and I lost my voice). I can't wait to go again next year as a rebound (and see my first host sister Haley as an Inbound!!!)

So after 3 amazing weekends of thorough training through Rotary Youth Exchange, I'm finally starting to prepare for my trip. During these weekends I have met inbounds, outbounds and rebounds who I'll remember forever (I'm also going to miss you like crazy).

Now you're up to date! I'm just about to apply for my visa this week!


  1. Hey there Emily,
    You Go girl!! Best of luck to you in all of your endevours. We love you and will miss you. Have lots of fun. This will be the best adventure of your life.
    Love you,
    Aunt Anne & Uncle Leo

  2. Just to let you know, the reason why we call it Grand Rapids is cuz it is in the city called Grand Rapids. lol. I think you guys just think it's called this cuz its big.

  3. have fun emily! il see u next year:)
