Monday, August 16, 2010

First week…

My first week in South Africa was great.

I was really nervous for my first day of school, but I found that Haley’s friends had already become my friends and I fit right in (except for the fact that I didn’t have my uniform for the first week). I stood out quite significantly, and I got a nickname- Emily Rose…like the Exorcism of Emily Rose. None the less I was excited to go back the next day. I didn’t have any of my  classes sorted so I followed Haley to all her classes, where I quickly made new friends, as well as distracted the class when they continued to ask me questions instead of doing their work- I thought the teachers were going to kick me out of their classes! They didn’t though. :)

So after the last class on Friday, Haley and I got all dolled up to go see Step Up 3 (it sucked), and then on Saturday I had my first Braai with my family and family friends - and I was full after the chicken wings- which were then followed by ribs, steaks and sausages. After that I went to bed- I think the Altitude sickness/Jetlag is catching up to me because I’m tired most of the time (getting up at 6am for school doesn’t help either).

Today I had my first day of school in uniform, and I also got to pick my classes (English, Math, Business, Afrikaans, Life Orientation, History and Computer Applications). I didn’t stand out as much- and found that most of my friends were in my classes.

I’ve been going to the gym with my family (or going to gym or gymming as they call it), as we all got memberships (to hopefully keep off the “Rotary 30”). I’ve been shopping (mostly for school uniform), and seen 2 movies. After school I don’t really tend to do much unless we are going out somewhere or going to gym.

My Host Family is great !!!!! Oh my gosh I’m so lucky. Haley is smart, and funny and we have a lot of things in common. Tanya and Clarke are great parents to me and never stops feeding me! Matthew is always texting, but is still very funny. And Chad seems very interested in the differences between Canada and South Africa, as well as spending time with me (ICE SKATING!!!).

Sorry I hadn’t posted a blog earlier- but the Internet here is like a cell phone signal- and we don’t use it that often (so many other things to do!).



Me in my school uniform !!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Settling In

So I packed in about 3 days (finished as we were closing the trunk to go to the airport), said my goodbyes and hopped on a plane to Washington. I almost missed my flight to Jo’burg but I made it.

I was greeted by my District Counsellor's Husband, then after I got my luggage, my host family and Counsellor.

I’ve only been here for one day, but so far I love it! My host family is awesome and everything is going great, even though this is only my second night!

Anyways I just thought I’d drop a few lines to let everyone know that I made it here safe and am having fun! :)

